Wednesday, June 24, 2009

La Greca - Oil - 36" x 48"

She often performs Flamenco at a club in Hollywood called La Barraca. I loveto paint dancers. I tried very hard to isolate this exquisite movement. 

Miabritt after Manet - Oil - 60" x 40" Private Collection

                                                     Commissioned Piece

Her Highness - Watercolor 12" x 16" Private Collection

 She usually sits welcoming us at the entrance of the Hemingway Museum.

Six Toes - Watercolor 12" x 16" Private Collection

One of the six toed girls at the Hemingway Museum.

The Sentinel - Oil - 20" x 30" Private Collection

From his lofty perch on a Cypress tree, the Red Shouldered Hawk hunts in the Everglades.

The Sound was Light - Oil - 30" x 48" Private Collection

I spend a lot of time painting in the only Everglades the world has ever known. The beauty is astounding. Sitting out there listening to nature is more than serene.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Adagio - Oil - 36" x 48" Private Collection

All the years of drawing and painting the live model and studying Anatomy helped to prepare to paint this difficult image. I hope that the intensity of feeling between these two dancers shows through.